Leading Shockwave Therapy
The Winterbourne Hospital, Dorchester

“I have suffered with Plantar Fasciitis for over a year and a half with very severe pain on walking, I attended the Winterbourne Hospital under Mr Nicholas Savva, upon examination I was recommended for some Physio at first, but that did not cure the problem. I then started a course of the new Shockwave Treatment, I was a bit sceptical at first but after the first treatment I could feel a difference in my feet, upon the second and third it was amazing I could actually walk without severe pain for the first time in over twelve months.
Mr Savva is gentleman in the true sense of the word and an expert in his field and would therefore have no problem in recommending him and the treatment.”
Mr M.S. Portland, Dorset.
ESWT produces high energy shock waves and delivers them to the tissue via the surface of the skin, avoiding the need for needles or surgery...
Read our reports and survey results, plus NICE guidelines and the FDA approval documentation.
Learn more about Nicholas Fernandez and Nicholas Savva, the experienced Orthopaedic Surgeons at our clinic.