Leading Shockwave Therapy
The Winterbourne Hospital, Dorchester

“I came to the Shockwave Clinic in April 2014. I had been suffering from Achilles Tendonosis for a full year whilst living in Kenya, Africa. I was treated with PRP injections, had had on going Physiotherapy , religiously did my eccentric loading and remained off all the activities ( including Walking )that I loved. As my business is in the Fitness and Cooking Field it hugely impacted my Career forcing me to return to the UK for a period. I am based in Dorset and I found the Dorset shock wave clinic on the internet. I had 5 sessions and although the first treatment was initially uncomfortable there was little pain and no after affects. Mr Fernandez understands the frustrations of not being active and was exceptionally positive. I can now say that, I feel no pain and I am back up and Running after a long year . This is largely due to this treatment and the consultant who performed it. I wish to thank the Clinic for their support and would recommend this treatment greatly.”
L. Freemantle Blandford
ESWT produces high energy shock waves and delivers them to the tissue via the surface of the skin, avoiding the need for needles or surgery...
Read our reports and survey results, plus NICE guidelines and the FDA approval documentation.
Learn more about Nicholas Fernandez and Nicholas Savva, the experienced Orthopaedic Surgeons at our clinic.