Leading Shockwave Therapy
The Winterbourne Hospital, Dorchester

“I had chronic tennis elbow, as a result of 15 years playing squash and “trying to play through” the injury. I had physiotherapy and a Cortisone injection. This seemed to have worked but, after 3 months rest and a steady return to the game the injury flared up again. I then had a second injection and took a year off playing. The pain became so unbearable that I could not grasp anything or even lift up my 2 yr old daughter or baby son. Opening a door was painful and I could only write for 30 minutes . I tried acupuncture, which alleviated the pain, but did not cure it. At the time surgery was the final option, which I took.
Following surgery I was 70% better. Shock wave therapy then became available which I was keen to try to rid me of the residual symptoms and disability. The treatment itself was painful but relief was immediately noticeable. BUPA only fund 3 treatments. I think another 2 sessions would have been better. Today, with a resulting combination of Surgery and shockwave treatment my condition has significantly improved I am now 95% better. I am able to play squash (but not daily), write longer and lead a very good quality of life. I would have had shock wave before surgery had it been available.”
A.C. Child Okeford, Dorset
ESWT produces high energy shock waves and delivers them to the tissue via the surface of the skin, avoiding the need for needles or surgery...
Read our reports and survey results, plus NICE guidelines and the FDA approval documentation.
Learn more about Nicholas Fernandez and Nicholas Savva, the experienced Orthopaedic Surgeons at our clinic.